The Best Mesothelioma and Asbestos Law Firm Of X - A mesothelioma law firm specializes in asbestos law and mesothelioma cases. Law firms can get compensation for patients and loved ones by filing a mesothelioma lawsuit, asbestos trust fund claim and other benefit claims. National mesothelioma law firms help families nationwide and will often travel to help file a claim.
What Is a Mesothelioma Law Firm?
Mesothelioma law firms focus on asbestos litigation, which means they specialize in handling personal injury lawsuits, wrongful death lawsuits and trust fund claims for patients and families facing mesothelioma.
The nation’s top mesothelioma law firms have years of experience securing compensation for families, thereby allowing them to pay for specialized cancer treatment and other expenses that come along with a mesothelioma diagnosis.
These firms have developed a deep knowledge and understanding of mesothelioma and how it impacts their clients. They know how stressful it is to navigate cancer treatment and get health insurance to cover all the care that you need. They understand how a terminal cancer diagnosis affects families emotionally and how important it is to spend precious time with loved ones.
This knowledge and experience means that they can offer the best legal services to families coping with this rare cancer. They won’t ask you to travel because they know you’re going through cancer treatment, and they work hard to handle every aspect of the legal process so that you can spend more quality time with your family.
Why You Need a Law Firm Specializing in Asbestos Cases
Hiring an experienced asbestos law firm is the best step your family can take toward securing mesothelioma compensation. These specialized firms tend to focus solely or primarily on asbestos cases and offer unparalleled expertise in this area of law. Their background and knowledge translate into an easier experience for you and your family throughout the legal process.
Asbestos litigation laws vary by state, and they are complex to understand and apply to mesothelioma cases. You want to work with a firm that dedicates most or all of their time to asbestos litigation. These firms have developed extensive resources, asbestos product databases and more to investigate and build your case.
Given the significant amount of money at stake in your mesothelioma lawsuit, you want to work with a firm with a strong track record of success.
National mesothelioma law firms have litigated cases nationwide and have resources and partners in each state to successfully handle your case. Choosing a nationwide firm gets you access to a network of attorneys with the asbestos case expertise to determine the right state and jurisdiction in which to file your claim to maximize your recovery.
These firms also have years of experience handling different cases across the country. This experience means they’ll know which legal options, such as whether to file a mesothelioma lawsuit or trust fund claim, are best suited to secure compensation for you.
How to Choose a Mesothelioma Law Firm
Mesothelioma law firms specialize in asbestos cases, and the first thing to look for when doing your research is their years of experience and a history of success. The top asbestos law firms in the U.S. have a team of qualified attorneys who understand what you and your loved one are facing and can give you confidence when pursuing your legal options.
The top five must-haves when choosing your mesothelioma law firm include the following:
1. Lawyers Who Understand Mesothelioma and Asbestos
Asbestos law firms have intimate knowledge of the different types of asbestos-related diseases and understand how this impacts the patient and the legal process. They understand what you and your family are going through and how treatment may impact your ability to attend a trial. These firms know to advocate for expedited trial dates and conduct depositions as early as possible, so you can focus on your medical care as the disease progresses.
Mesothelioma law firms have expertise in handling lawsuits, trust fund claims and settlements, and they’re also familiar with state asbestos laws and the statutes of limitations that apply to your claim.
2. Ability to Document Asbestos Exposure
Firms specializing in asbestos have deep industry knowledge and proprietary asbestos databases filled with information about asbestos products and contaminated job sites. Attorneys use this information along with other proof they discover through a deep investigation of your case to connect your mesothelioma diagnosis to prior asbestos exposure.
3. No Upfront Legal Costs and a Free Case Evaluation
Not every firm offers a free case evaluation, but dedicated mesothelioma law firms typically provide evaluations free of charge. They can afford to do this because they’ve leveraged their nationwide network of attorneys, which is harder for local firms to do because they operate on a smaller scale.
The best firms also work on a contingency fee basis, which means you only pay them if they recover compensation for you. If they don’t win your case, you don’t pay for their legal services.
4. Record of Winning Large Verdicts and Settlements
National firms tend to have the best track record securing compensation for victims of asbestos exposure. This kind of compensation helps families afford medical treatment, deal with lost wages and handle other expenses such as in-home nursing care.
For example, Weitz & Luxenberg secured a multimillion-dollar settlement in 2021 for a lifetime millwright and Navy veteran who died of mesothelioma. Simmons Hanly Conroy secured a $34 million verdict in 2019 from Ford Motor Company for a mechanic diagnosed with mesothelioma. While not every case results in multimillion-dollar settlements or verdicts, working with an experienced firm increases the likelihood that you may receive substantial compensation.
5. A Lawyer that Makes You Feel Comfortable
Mesothelioma law firms understand travel is difficult when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. One of the biggest benefits of choosing a nationwide firm is its willingness to travel to you or meet with you virtually. This gives you access to the nation’s top firms no matter where you live.
While it may seem that a big, nationwide firm might not have time to attend to every client, the opposite often is true. Local firms are smaller, and it can be harder for them to dedicate the kind of time to your case that a full-time mesothelioma law firm can offer.
A good firm will provide examples of their success, explain their fees upfront, and let you learn about their attorneys and what makes their firm unique. Mesothelioma attorneys keep clients updated on the claim’s progress every step of the way, and they often anticipate their client’s needs because of their extensive experience.
Working with a Mesothelioma Law Firm
Your attorney will guide you through the lawsuit process and help you understand your legal options. They will listen to your concerns and address any questions you may have about the process. The attorney will gather evidence to prepare your case, file a claim in the right jurisdiction and handle any responses from defendants.
Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit after death is more complicated than a personal injury claim, but a qualified attorney can go over options for filing a wrongful death lawsuit.
What Is the Legal Process Like?
The process begins with finding a mesothelioma law firm and scheduling a consultation so you can learn more about the firm and they can learn more about your case.
The best mesothelioma law firms offer free consultations and case reviews. During this meeting, patients and families may ask questions about the firm and its history of success. The firm will ask a series of questions to learn about the diagnosis and the patient’s work history.
If the law firm believes you have a case, they will start to build your case by documenting your history of asbestos exposure and gathering evidence to support your claim. Depending on what they find, they may recommend you file claims for multiple types of compensation available through a lawsuit, asbestos trust fund or the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.
Once your case is built and supported by evidence, your lawyer will file the claim in the right jurisdiction or with the right asbestos trust fund. A discovery period will follow for lawsuits, or a claim review will follow for trust fund claims. Your lawyer will handle every aspect of the legal process, and they will coach you through any interviews or depositions you may need to provide.
If your claim is successful, your lawyer will most likely be the one to distribute your compensation to you. You may choose between a lump sum or receiving payments in installments.
If you have questions about the legal process, it is best to speak with a lawyer to learn more about the process and how federal and state laws may impact your case.
Top Mesothelioma and Asbestos Law Firm Of X
In addition to experience and a winning track record, it is important to feel comfortable with the mesothelioma law firm you choose.
Attorneys at top asbestos law firms are accessible, compassionate and sensitive to what you and your family are going through. Your lawyer will manage every aspect of your case, allowing you to focus on what matters most: Treatment and your health.
Weitz & Luxenberg
- Offices: New York; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Los Angeles; Detroit
- Serves Clients: Nationwide
- Years of Experience: 30+
Weitz & Luxenberg has been a leader in asbestos litigation for more than 30 years, helping about 55,000 families affected by mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. The firm handles around 500 asbestos-related cases each year with a dedicated team of lawyers, paralegals and support professionals.
U.S. News & World Report ranks Weitz & Luxenberg in the National Tier 1 category of its Best Law Firms for mass tort litigation and class actions. The firm has won more than $8.5 billion in mesothelioma verdicts and settlements.
Cooney & Conway
- Offices: Chicago
- Serves Clients: Nationwide
- Years of Experience: 40+
Cooney & Conway was founded in 1958 as a personal injury firm in the heart of Chicago. For more than 40 years, the firm’s focus has been asbestos litigation.
Its team of experienced lawyers has won multimillion-dollar cases against some of the largest asbestos product manufacturers in the world, including United States Gypsum, Armstrong and Owens Corning Fiberglas. They’ve recovered billions for their clients, including million-dollar settlements in thousands of cases. According to the firm’s website, much of its success involves cases in northern Illinois, where the firm handles approximately 90% of all mesothelioma cases.
Simmons Hanly Conroy
- Offices: Alton, Illinois; Chicago; New York; El Segundo, California; St. Louis; San Francisco
- Serves Clients: Nationwide
- Years of Experience: 20+
Simmons Hanly Conroy began serving mesothelioma patients and their families in 1999. Asbestos litigation continues to be the specialty of the firm, which has helped more than 6,000 families and recovered about $7 billion in settlements.
With an experienced staff of 300 employees nationwide, Simmons Hanly Conroy has shown its commitment to clients impacted by mesothelioma. In 2019, the firm won a $34 million verdict for an 80-year-old mechanic in a four-week trial against Ford Motor Company.
Nemeroff Law
- Offices: Pittsburgh; New Orleans; Park City, Utah; Dallas; Housto
- Serves Clients: Nationwide
- Years of Experience: 25+
Founder Rick Nemeroff began fighting for individuals in the early 1990s. Today, Nemeroff Law has a team of lawyers with more than 150 years of collective experience that has recovered more than $100 million for mesothelioma patients and their loved ones.
Nemeroff Law has five offices around the country and represents asbestos victims in all 50 states. The firm has a proven history of winning large trial verdicts, including a $12.6 million verdict against Owens Corning Fiberglas and a $9.25 million decision against Exxon.
Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman
- Offices: Honolulu, Hawaii
- Serves Clients: Nationwide
- Years of Experience: 35+
Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman is the leading mesothelioma law firm for the Hawaiian Islands. The firm’s team of knowledgeable attorneys has traveled to more than 40 states to work with clients affected by asbestos exposure.
The team has unique litigation resources, including an extensive database of job sites and asbestos products and an archive of Navy records. They have developed a reputation in court through the more than 250 jury verdicts they’ve secured for clients. The firm has recovered more than $1 billion for victims in personal injury and defective product lawsuits.
Common Questions About Hiring a Mesothelioma Law Firm
What’s the difference between a law firm specializing in asbestos and one that doesn’t?
An asbestos law firm specializes in asbestos law and mesothelioma cases. These firms typically employ mesothelioma lawyers with years of experience in asbestos cases and a track record of successful outcomes. A law firm that doesn’t specialize in asbestos may incorrectly file complicated claims and not have access to the best asbestos databases, which could delay or significantly reduce the amounts of compensation received.
Can a family member hire a law firm for an asbestos case?
Yes, legal decisions after the death of a mesothelioma patient fall to the estate representative. The estate representative can be a family member or friend named by the decedent or appointed by the court. Family members have the option to file an asbestos claim after death, which is called a wrongful death lawsuit. Rules and limitations for wrongful death claims vary by state.
How long do I have to hire a mesothelioma law firm?
The time limits on mesothelioma cases vary by state law and are known as statutes of limitations. These statutes often range from 12 to 36 months after the date of a mesothelioma diagnosis for personal injury claims. The period for wrongful death claims usually begins when an asbestos disease is determined to be the cause of death. Please make sure you speak with an attorney specializing in your type of claim to get specific answers about the applicable statute of limitations.